I reckon I've had more rest in the last week than for months. Thanks to a mixture of Things Settling Down, both of us needing to sleep a lot on Wednesday (M definitely sick, me maybe - I felt fine the next day), and a lack of Important Appointments To Be Attended To.
M was put back on the sick list on Tuesday after a visit to our GP. Who nonchalantly took M's temp and it was 38C. What?? Quick, where are the antibiotics?
We had an adventure today - we took the bus to one of the local hospitals to get M an xray. [I was amused by the booking process - it's a 1300 number and very streamlined. They *do* ask if you have any special needs, so I was able to say 'well yes, we need the right time, the right place and the right staff to help us' and after a small hesitation the person on the line sorted it all out purrfectly for me. Us, that is.] Off we went, arriving in good time to test the cafe before his appointment (no, I didn't plan that. It was A Happy Accident). I was greatly troubled by the cake display - pink donuts AND pink lamingtons with real cream filling! I've been regretting that sudden flash of spirit which made me say NO, ever since. PINK LAMINGTONS!!
We're expecting the xray to show that M is doing fine and the pills are working. We adventured back to the flat easily, and I was pleased that nothing alarming happened this time. Recent bus trips have exposed some of the things which can be a problem - mostly, other people, who are impatient, or get in the way, or try to be helpful and make M flustered and me cross. For example, if you see someone in a power chair manoeuvring back and forth in a small space, DON'T step into it to try to push him. You won't be able to push the 200kg+ of him plus chair, you're likely to get your foot HEAVILY run over, and you'll get in his way, make him feel deaf and stupid, and require me to be sharp and dismissive. You wouldn't want that, would you?? People in wheelies who are using buses are in fact extremely competent, because they've learned a lot of skills before they try catching buses. So, a bit of respect, please. Wait until we ASK for help.
Ahem. Off soapbox.. another hazard is the bus driver taking off before M's in position. YOU try moving a power chair on a moving surface! High risk activity for his wife (who gets easily alarmed when she perceives a husband rolling uncontrolled across a crowded bus aisle..). We also get into tangles when bags get caught on chair backs, other people dare to come on the bus with *their* mobility aids, and worst of all was the trip we took when there was already someone in a (manual) chair. There wasn't really enough room and M had to travel 'backwards' which is not disastrous but got him disoriented for a bit.
However no bus driver has ever asked me for a fare, and twice when I've offered to pay I've been waved away. M travels free. Sometimes another passenger will leap up and unfold the ramp for the driver - very generous. I really appreciate how easy this is for us - I wouldn't care to try it in peak hour with a crush of passengers, but during the day we're managing very well, and M has had the confidence to make a couple of short trips on his own.
... but I was speaking of rest. Well, what can I say? Now that I look carefully at my emails, messages, mail and unfinished tasks, I see that all this resting must stop, preferably before it started. Small fires keep breaking out no matter how much I clutch my gin and tonic and point the hose. There are the usual legal/insurance complexities, the much-yearned-for start of the house mods (the loan people STILL need more bits of paper), our team of supporting allied health care workers have many trenchant questions for us about equipment and services, and I am neglecting my physio again.
We have declared tomorrow to be a Paperwork Day, and M is threatening to help sort (some of) my BAGS of paperwork. I'm not so sure I want him to know either just how much there is, or see my (dis)order of priorities. Nice big bits of papers with green texta titles works for me. Many would suggest a filing cabinet but I want to approach this slowly from a position of firm ignore. I tend towards the belief that if They want it badly enough, They'll write/ask/send again. If *I* need it badly enough, I'll either find it or get a copy or decide it doesn't really matter (don't tell dad I said that).
we're fine. No explosions this week. None planned although if you ask me about the insurance company I can't promise.
We might see a breaking of the sod next week, if all this talk of loans turns into dollars that can be flung at the builder.
My cattie enjoyed a sprint around the garden at dusk (the morning feeder forgot to let her out. As she was noticeably sleepy when I turned up in the late afternoon, I don't think she suffered too much). I quite enjoyed it too, seeing my garden turning all the warm autumn colours. Only a few cape daisies and the teeniest sprig of blue salvia to counter all that fiery display.
Roll on weekend (there's a concept for someone clever - the roll-on weekend. Think of the applications!).
I'm wearing Jo Malone 'Lime, Basil and Mandarin' cologne this week. I smell a bit like the makings of an excellent Thai dinner.
5 hours ago
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